17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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/* ShowFont 2.0 - by Arthur Johnson Jr. */
/* ======================================== */
/* Usage: ShowFont [font_name] [font_size] */
/* ======================================== */
/* Last modifications - 09/07/88 */
#include "intuition/intuition.h" /* this one includes heaps o' stuff */
#include "exec/memory.h"
#include "libraries/diskfont.h"
#define XAREA 617 /* no characters beyond this pixel */
#define FONTBUFFER 5000 /* works for me */
#define FONTNAMELEN 24 /* 23 characters plus the '\0' */
#define MAXSIZES 20 /* hopefully this is overly generous */
/* All screen/window/gadget structures created with */
/* PowerWindows 2.0, by: */
/* Inovatronics, Inc. */
/* 11311 Stemmons Freeway */
/* Dallas, TX 75229 */
/* (214) 241-9515 */
struct PropInfo W_PropSInfo = {
-1,-1, /* horizontal and vertical pot values */
-1,-1, /* horizontal and vertical body values */
struct Image Image1 = {
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
8,167, /* Image width and height in pixels */
0, /* number of bitplanes in Image */
NULL, /* pointer to ImageData */
0x0000,0x0000, /* PlanePick and PlaneOnOff */
NULL /* next Image structure */
struct Gadget W_Prop = {
NULL, /* next gadget */
619,19, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,171, /* hit box width and height */
NULL, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
PROPGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&Image1, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
(APTR)&W_PropSInfo, /* SpecialInfo structure */
2, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
USHORT ImageDownData[] = {
struct Image ImageDown = {
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
16,9, /* Image width and height in pixels */
2, /* number of bitplanes in Image */
ImageDownData, /* pointer to ImageData */
0x0001,0x0000, /* PlanePick and PlaneOnOff */
NULL /* next Image structure */
struct Gadget W_Down = {
&W_Prop, /* next gadget */
619,190, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,9, /* hit box width and height */
GADGIMAGE, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&ImageDown, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
3, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
USHORT ImageUpData[] = {
struct Image ImageUp = {
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
16,9, /* Image width and height in pixels */
2, /* number of bitplanes in Image */
ImageUpData, /* pointer to ImageData */
0x0001,0x0000, /* PlanePick and PlaneOnOff */
NULL /* next Image structure */
struct Gadget W_Up = {
&W_Down, /* next gadget */
619,10, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,9, /* hit box width and height */
GADGIMAGE, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&ImageUp, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
1, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
#define GadgetList1 W_Up
struct IntuiText IText1 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"Font Selection", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem2 = {
NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,9, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
152,8, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText1, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
'F', /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText2 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"Read FONTS:", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem1 = {
&MenuItem2, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
152,8, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText2, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
'R', /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct Menu Menu2 = {
NULL, /* next Menu structure */
82,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
57,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
"Fonts", /* text of Menu name */
&MenuItem1 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
struct IntuiText IText3 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"Quit", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem4 = {
NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,9, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
80,8, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText3, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
'Q', /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText4 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"About", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem3 = {
&MenuItem4, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
80,8, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText4, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
'A', /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
MENUNULL /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct Menu Menu1 = {
&Menu2, /* next Menu structure */
0,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
75,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
"Project", /* text of Menu name */
&MenuItem3 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
#define MenuList1 Menu1
struct NewWindow newwindow = {
0,0, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
640,200, /* window width and height */
0,1, /* detail and block pens */
&GadgetList1, /* first gadget in gadget list */
NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
"ShowFont 2.0 by Arthur Johnson Jr.", /* window title */
NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
NULL, /* custom bitmap */
-1,-1, /* minimum width and height */
-1,-1, /* maximum width and height */
WBENCHSCREEN /* destination screen type */
SHORT BorderVectors2[] = {
struct Border Border2 = {
246,8, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
1,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
5, /* number of XY vectors */
BorderVectors2, /* pointer to XY vectors */
NULL /* next border in list */
SHORT BorderVectors1[] = {
struct Border Border1 = {
5,8, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
1,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
5, /* number of XY vectors */
BorderVectors1, /* pointer to XY vectors */
&Border2 /* next border in list */
struct Gadget Gadget12 = {
NULL, /* next gadget */
0,0, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
1,1, /* hit box width and height */
GADGHBOX+GADGHIMAGE, /* gadget flags */
NULL, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&Border1, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
NULL, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
SHORT BorderVectors3[] = {
struct Border Border3 = {
-2,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
1,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
5, /* number of XY vectors */
BorderVectors3, /* pointer to XY vectors */
NULL /* next border in list */
struct IntuiText IText5 = {
1,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
6,4, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"Cancel", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct Gadget R_Cancel = {
&Gadget12, /* next gadget */
185,76, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
57,15, /* hit box width and height */
NULL, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY+ENDGADGET, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&Border3, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
&IText5, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
102, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
SHORT BorderVectors4[] = {
struct Border Border4 = {
-2,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
1,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
5, /* number of XY vectors */
BorderVectors4, /* pointer to XY vectors */
NULL /* next border in list */
struct IntuiText IText6 = {
1,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
20,4, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"OK", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct Gadget R_OK = {
&R_Cancel, /* next gadget */
70,76, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
57,15, /* hit box width and height */
NULL, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY+ENDGADGET, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&Border4, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
&IText6, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
101, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
struct Gadget R_SizeDown = {
&R_OK, /* next gadget */
279,58, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,9, /* hit box width and height */
GADGIMAGE, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&ImageDown, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
23, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
struct PropInfo R_SizeSInfo = {
-1,-1, /* horizontal and vertical pot values */
-1,-1, /* horizontal and vertical body values */
struct Image Image5 = {
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
8,37, /* Image width and height in pixels */
0, /* number of bitplanes in Image */
NULL, /* pointer to ImageData */
0x0000,0x0000, /* PlanePick and PlaneOnOff */
NULL /* next Image structure */
struct Gadget R_Size = {
&R_SizeDown, /* next gadget */
279,17, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,41, /* hit box width and height */
NULL, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
PROPGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&Image5, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
(APTR)&R_SizeSInfo, /* SpecialInfo structure */
22, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
struct Gadget R_SizeUp = {
&R_Size, /* next gadget */
279,8, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,9, /* hit box width and height */
GADGIMAGE, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&ImageUp, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
21, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
struct PropInfo R_FontSInfo = {
-1,-1, /* horizontal and vertical pot values */
-1,-1, /* horizontal and vertical body values */
struct Image Image7 = {
0,0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
8,37, /* Image width and height in pixels */
0, /* number of bitplanes in Image */
NULL, /* pointer to ImageData */
0x0000,0x0000, /* PlanePick and PlaneOnOff */
NULL /* next Image structure */
struct Gadget R_Font = {
&R_SizeUp, /* next gadget */
197,17, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,41, /* hit box width and height */
NULL, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
PROPGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&Image7, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
(APTR)&R_FontSInfo, /* SpecialInfo structure */
12, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
struct Gadget R_FontDown = {
&R_Font, /* next gadget */
197,58, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,9, /* hit box width and height */
GADGIMAGE, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&ImageDown, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
13, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
struct Gadget R_FontUp = {
&R_FontDown, /* next gadget */
197,8, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
16,9, /* hit box width and height */
GADGIMAGE, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&ImageUp, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
NULL, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
11, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
#define GadgetList2 R_FontUp
SHORT BorderVectors6[] = {
struct Border Border6 = {
0, 0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
1,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
5, /* number of XY vectors */
BorderVectors6, /* pointer to XY vectors */
NULL /* next border in list */
struct Requester requester1 = {
NULL, /* previous requester (filled in by Intuition) */
170,50, /* requester XY origin relative to TopLeft of window */
300,100, /* requester width and height */
0,0, /* relative to these mouse offsets if POINTREL is set */
&GadgetList2, /* gadget list */
&Border6, /* box's border */
NULL, /* requester text */
NULL, /* requester flags */
0, /* back-plane fill pen */
NULL, /* leave these alone */
NULL, /* custom bitmap if PREDRAWN is set */
NULL /* leave this alone */
SHORT BorderVectors5[] = {
struct Border Border5 = {
-2,-1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
1,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
5, /* number of XY vectors */
BorderVectors5, /* pointer to XY vectors */
NULL /* next border in list */
struct IntuiText IText7 = {
1,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
36,8, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"DUH", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct Gadget Gadget5 = {
NULL, /* next gadget */
56,65, /* origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft */
96,24, /* hit box width and height */
NULL, /* gadget flags */
RELVERIFY+ENDGADGET, /* activation flags */
BOOLGADGET+REQGADGET, /* gadget type flags */
(APTR)&Border5, /* gadget border or image to be rendered */
NULL, /* alternate imagery for selection */
&IText7, /* first IntuiText structure */
NULL, /* gadget mutual-exclude long word */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo structure */
NULL, /* user-definable data */
NULL /* pointer to user-definable data */
#define GadgetList3 Gadget5
struct IntuiText IText12 = {
1,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
80,43, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"fonts.", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText IText11 = {
1,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
20,34, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"This program displays", /* pointer to text */
&IText12 /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText IText10 = {
1,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
8,19, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"Last revision - 09/07/88", /* pointer to text */
&IText11 /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText IText9 = {
3,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
20,10, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"by Arthur Johnson Jr.", /* pointer to text */
&IText10 /* next IntuiText structure */
struct IntuiText IText8 = {
3,0,JAM2, /* front and back text pens, drawmode and fill byte */
56,2, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for default */
"ShowFont 2.0", /* pointer to text */
&IText9 /* next IntuiText structure */
#define IntuiTextList3 IText8
SHORT BorderVectors7[] = {
struct Border Border7 = {
0, 0, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
1,0,JAM1, /* front pen, back pen and drawmode */
5, /* number of XY vectors */
BorderVectors7, /* pointer to XY vectors */
NULL /* next border in list */
struct Requester requester2 = {
NULL, /* previous requester (filled in by Intuition) */
216,50, /* requester XY origin relative to TopLeft of window */
208,100, /* requester width and height */
0,0, /* relative to these mouse offsets if POINTREL is set */
&GadgetList3, /* gadget list */
&Border7, /* box's border */
&IntuiTextList3, /* requester text */
NULL, /* requester flags */
0, /* back-plane fill pen */
NULL, /* leave these alone */
NULL, /* custom bitmap if PREDRAWN is set */
NULL /* leave this alone */
struct Window *window;
struct RastPort *rp;
struct Gadget *whichgad;
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
struct DiskfontBase *DiskfontBase;
char fontname[FONTNAMELEN + 5]; /* include space for '.font' */
UWORD fontsize;
int numfonts; /* I'm tired of passing this around */
struct TextAttr myfont = { /* necessary structure for fonts */
0 };
struct TextFont *font;
UBYTE textline[256];
struct IntuiText text = {
1, 0,
0, 0,
struct fontinfo {
struct fontinfo *next;
char name[FONTNAMELEN];
int sizes;
int size[MAXSIZES];
int whichsel;
} *fonts;
struct Gadget thegads[14];
struct IntuiText theitext[14];
void cleanup(text)
char *text;
struct fontinfo *nextfont;
if (fonts)
while (fonts) {
nextfont = fonts->next;
FreeMem(fonts, sizeof(struct fontinfo));
fonts = nextfont;
if (font)
if (window) {
if (DiskfontBase)
if (IntuitionBase)
if (GfxBase)
if (text)
void *fontaddress(which)
int which;
struct fontinfo *duh;
duh = fonts;
while (which-- != 0)
duh = duh->next;
return((void *)duh);
void *addfont(next, name, size)
struct fontinfo *next;
char *name;
int size;
struct fontinfo *font;
font = (struct fontinfo *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct fontinfo), MEMF_CLEAR);
if (font == NULL)
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't allocate enough memory!");
font->next = next;
stccpy(font->name, name, (strlen(name) - 4));
font->sizes = 1;
font->size[0] = size;
font->whichsel = 0;
return((void *)font);
void readfonts()
struct AvailFontsHeader *afh;
struct AvailFonts *af;
struct fontinfo *font, *prev;
int mem = FONTBUFFER,
register i, j;
numfonts = 0;
fonts = NULL;
do {
afh = (struct AvailFontsHeader *)AllocMem(mem, MEMF_CLEAR);
if (afh == NULL)
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't allocate enough memory!");
moremem = AvailFonts(afh, mem, 0xFF);
if (moremem != 0) {
FreeMem(afh, mem);
mem += moremem;
printf("ShowFont: allocating %d bytes of memory for the FONTS: info.\n", mem);
} while (moremem != 0);
if (afh->afh_NumEntries == 0) {
FreeMem(afh, mem);
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't find any fonts! (Is FONTS: set correctly?)");
af = (struct AvailFonts *)&afh[1];
for (i = 0; i < afh->afh_NumEntries; i++) {
if (!((af->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_REMOVED) ||
(af->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_REVPATH) ||
((af->af_Type & AFF_MEMORY) &&
(af->af_Attr.ta_Flags & FPF_DISKFONT)))) {
prev = NULL;
font = fonts;
foundit = FALSE;
while ((font != NULL) && (foundit == FALSE)) {
goya = strnicmp(af->af_Attr.ta_Name, font->name, (strlen(af->af_Attr.ta_Name) - 5));
if (goya == 0) {
j = font->sizes - 1;
while ((j >= 0) && (font->size[j] > af->af_Attr.ta_YSize)) {
font->size[j + 1] = font->size[j];
font->size[j + 1] = af->af_Attr.ta_YSize;
foundit = TRUE;
else if (goya < 0) {
if (prev == NULL)
fonts = (struct fontinfo *)addfont(font, af->af_Attr.ta_Name, af->af_Attr.ta_YSize);
prev->next = (struct fontinfo *)addfont(font, af->af_Attr.ta_Name, af->af_Attr.ta_YSize);
foundit = TRUE;
else {
prev = font;
font = font->next;
if (foundit == FALSE) {
if (prev == NULL)
fonts = (struct fontinfo *)addfont(NULL, af->af_Attr.ta_Name, af->af_Attr.ta_YSize);
prev->next = (struct fontinfo *)addfont(NULL, af->af_Attr.ta_Name, af->af_Attr.ta_YSize);
FreeMem(afh, mem);
OnMenu(window, SHIFTMENU(1) | SHIFTITEM(1));
MenuItem2.Flags |= ITEMENABLED;
void setupfont()
char windowtitle[80];
if (font)
myfont.ta_YSize = fontsize;
if ((font = (struct TextFont *)OpenDiskFont(&myfont)) == NULL)
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't find the font.");
fontsize = font->tf_YSize;
stccpy(windowtitle, fontname, (strlen(fontname) - 4));
sprintf(windowtitle + strlen(windowtitle), " - %d (ShowFont 2.0 by Arthur Johnson Jr.)", fontsize);
SetWindowTitles(window, windowtitle, -1);
int findfont()
struct fontinfo *search;
int foundit,
which = 0;
search = fonts;
foundit = FALSE;
while ((search != NULL) && (!foundit)) {
if (!(strnicmp(fontname, search->name, (strlen(fontname) - 5))))
foundit = TRUE;
else {
search = search->next;
if (foundit == FALSE)
return(0); /* if for some reason I can't find the font, use */
/* the first font available. */
i = 0;
while ((i < search->sizes) && (search->size[i] != fontsize))
if (i != search->sizes)
search->whichsel = i;
search->whichsel = 0;
void mygadssetup()
register loop;
Gadget12.NextGadget = &thegads[0];
for (loop = 0; loop < 14; loop++) {
if (loop != 13)
thegads[loop].NextGadget = &thegads[loop + 1];
thegads[loop].NextGadget = NULL;
if (loop < 7)
thegads[loop].LeftEdge = 8;
thegads[loop].LeftEdge = 250;
if (loop < 7)
thegads[loop].TopEdge = (loop * 8) + 10;
thegads[loop].TopEdge = ((loop - 7) * 8) + 10;
if (loop < 7)
thegads[loop].Width = 184;
thegads[loop].Width = 24;
thegads[loop].Height = 8;
if (loop == 3)
thegads[loop].Flags = GADGHCOMP | SELECTED;
thegads[loop].Flags = GADGHCOMP;
thegads[loop].Activation = RELVERIFY;
thegads[loop].GadgetType = BOOLGADGET | REQGADGET;
thegads[loop].GadgetRender = NULL;
thegads[loop].SelectRender = NULL;
thegads[loop].GadgetText = &theitext[loop];
thegads[loop].MutualExclude = NULL;
thegads[loop].SpecialInfo = NULL;
thegads[loop].GadgetID = 1000 + loop;
thegads[loop].UserData = NULL;
theitext[loop].FrontPen = 1;
theitext[loop].BackPen = 0;
theitext[loop].DrawMode = JAM2;
theitext[loop].LeftEdge = 0;
theitext[loop].TopEdge = 0;
theitext[loop].ITextFont = NULL;
if (loop < 7)
theitext[loop].IText = (UBYTE *)&thetext1[loop];
theitext[loop].IText = (UBYTE *)&thetext2[loop - 7];
theitext[loop].NextText = NULL;
USHORT proppos(line, maxline)
int line;
int maxline;
ULONG duh;
if (maxline == 1)
duh = MAXBODY;
duh = (MAXBODY * (line - 1)) / (maxline - 1);
return ((USHORT)duh);
USHORT propsize(display, maxdisplay)
int display;
int maxdisplay;
ULONG duh;
if (display >= maxdisplay)
duh = MAXPOT;
duh = (MAXPOT * display) / maxdisplay;
int propline(proppos, maxline)
USHORT proppos;
int maxline;
int duh;
duh = (proppos * maxline) / MAXPOT;
void selectfont()
struct IntuiMessage *message;
struct fontinfo *thefont, *duh;
int cont = TRUE,
refresh = TRUE,
nameline, sizeline,
rfontlastline, rsizelastline;
register loop;
ULONG class;
USHORT fontpropsize, fontproppos, sizepropsize, sizeproppos;
which = findfont();
thefont = (struct fontinfo *)fontaddress(which);
Request(&requester1, window);
nameline = which;
sizeline = 0;
rfontlastline = numfonts;
fontpropsize = propsize(7, numfonts);
while (cont) {
if (refresh) {
rsizelastline = (thefont->sizes - 7) + 1;
if (rsizelastline < 1)
rsizelastline = 1;
sizepropsize = propsize(7, thefont->sizes);
fontproppos = proppos((nameline + 1), rfontlastline);
sizeproppos = proppos((sizeline + 1), rsizelastline);
NewModifyProp(&R_Font, window, &requester1, AUTOKNOB | FREEVERT, -1, fontproppos, -1, fontpropsize, 0);
NewModifyProp(&R_Size, window, &requester1, AUTOKNOB | FREEVERT, -1, sizeproppos, -1, sizepropsize, 0);
for (loop = -3; loop < 4; loop++)
if (((loop + nameline) < 0) || ((loop + nameline) >= numfonts))
strcpy(thetext1[loop + 3], " ");
else {
duh = (struct fontinfo *)fontaddress(nameline + loop);
sprintf(thetext1[loop + 3], "%-23s", duh->name);
for (loop = 0; loop < 7; loop++)
if ((loop + sizeline) < thefont->sizes) {
sprintf(thetext2[loop], "%3d", thefont->size[loop + sizeline]);
if ((loop + sizeline) == thefont->whichsel)
thegads[loop + 7].Flags = GADGHCOMP | SELECTED;
thegads[loop + 7].Flags = GADGHCOMP;
else {
strcpy(thetext2[loop], " ");
thegads[loop + 7].Flags = GADGHCOMP;
RefreshGadgets(&thegads[0], window, &requester1);
refresh = FALSE;
Wait(1 << window->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
while (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(window->UserPort)) {
class = message->Class;
whichgad = (struct Gadget *)message->IAddress;
if (class == GADGETUP) {
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 11) /* FontUp */
if (nameline > 0) {
refresh = TRUE;
thefont = (struct fontinfo *)fontaddress(nameline);
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 12) { /* Font */
refresh = TRUE;
fontproppos = R_FontSInfo.VertPot;
nameline = propline(fontproppos, rfontlastline);
if ((nameline + 1) >= rfontlastline)
nameline = rfontlastline - 1;
thefont = (struct fontinfo *)fontaddress(nameline);
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 13) /* FontDown */
if ((nameline + 1) < rfontlastline) {
refresh = TRUE;
thefont = (struct fontinfo *)fontaddress(nameline);
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 21) /* SizeUp */
if (sizeline > 0) {
refresh = TRUE;
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 22) { /* Size */
refresh = TRUE;
sizeproppos = R_SizeSInfo.VertPot;
sizeline = propline(sizeproppos, rsizelastline);
if ((sizeline + 1) >= rsizelastline)
sizeline = rsizelastline - 1;
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 23) /* SizeDown */
if ((sizeline + 1) < rsizelastline) {
refresh = TRUE;
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 101) { /* OK */
cont = FALSE;
strcpy(fontname, thefont->name);
strcat(fontname, ".font");
fontsize = thefont->size[thefont->whichsel];
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 102) /* Cancel */
cont = FALSE;
if ((whichgad->GadgetID > 999) &&
(whichgad->GadgetID < 1007)) {
refresh = TRUE;
nameline += (whichgad->GadgetID - 1003);
if (nameline < 0)
nameline = 0;
if ((nameline + 1) > rfontlastline)
nameline = rfontlastline - 1;
thefont = (struct fontinfo *)fontaddress(nameline);
if ((whichgad->GadgetID > 1006) &&
(whichgad->GadgetID < 1014)) {
refresh = TRUE;
thefont->whichsel = (whichgad->GadgetID - 1007) + sizeline;
if (thefont->whichsel >= thefont->sizes)
thefont->whichsel = thefont->sizes - 1;
void mycat(s, c)
char *s;
char c;
while (*s++ != '\0') {}
*(s - 1) = c;
*s = '\0';
void main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
struct IntuiMessage *message;
int cont = TRUE,
brandnewfont = TRUE,
refresh = TRUE;
ULONG class;
USHORT code;
char c;
int line, maxline,
whichmenu, whichitem,
USHORT range[256][2], numy, pos, size;
register loop, i;
if ((argc == 2) && (*argv[1] == '?'))
cleanup("Usage: ShowFont [font_name] [font_size]");
if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 0)) == NULL)
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't open 'intuition.library'.");
if ((GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 0)) == NULL)
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't open 'graphics.library'.");
if ((DiskfontBase = (struct DiskfontBase *)
OpenLibrary("diskfont.library", 0)) == NULL)
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't open 'diskfont.library'.");
if ((window = (struct Window *)OpenWindow(&newwindow)) == NULL)
cleanup("ShowFont: couldn't open the window.");
rp = window->RPort;
SetMenuStrip(window, &MenuList1);
if (argc == 1)
strcpy(fontname, "Topaz.font");
sprintf(fontname, "%s.font", argv[1]);
if (argc < 3) {
fontsize = 0;
else {
fontsize = atoi(argv[2]);
while (cont) {
if (brandnewfont) {
startchar = font->tf_LoChar;
if (startchar == 0)
startchar = 1;
line = 0;
textline[0] = '\0';
for (loop = font->tf_LoChar; loop <= font->tf_HiChar; ++loop) {
c = loop;
mycat(textline, c);
len = window->BorderLeft + IntuiTextLength(&text) + font->tf_XSize;
if (len > XAREA) {
range[line][0] = startchar;
range[line][1] = loop - 1;
startchar = loop;
textline[0] = '\0';
if (loop == font->tf_HiChar) {
range[line][0] = startchar;
range[line][1] = font->tf_HiChar;
maxline = line;
line = 0;
yarea = 200 - (window->BorderTop + window->BorderBottom);
numy = yarea / font->tf_YSize;
wproplastline = (maxline - numy) + 1;
if (wproplastline < 1)
wproplastline = 1;
size = propsize(numy, maxline);
pos = 0;
brandnewfont = FALSE;
refresh = TRUE;
if (refresh) { /* display the characters, update gadgets */
pos = proppos((line + 1), wproplastline);
ModifyProp(&W_Prop, window, NULL, AUTOKNOB | FREEVERT, -1, pos, -1, size);
SetAPen(rp, 0); /* clear the screen */
RectFill(rp, window->BorderLeft, window->BorderTop, XAREA, 200 - window->BorderBottom);
SetAPen(rp, 1);
yoffset = window->BorderTop;
for (loop = line; (((loop - line) < numy) && (loop <= maxline)); ++loop) {
textline[0] = '\0';
for (i = range[loop][0]; i <= range[loop][1]; i++) {
c = i;
mycat(textline, c);
PrintIText(rp, &text, window->BorderLeft, yoffset);
yoffset += font->tf_YSize;
refresh = FALSE;
Wait(1 << window->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
while (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(window->UserPort)) {
class = message->Class;
code = message->Code;
whichgad = (struct Gadget *)message->IAddress;
if (class == CLOSEWINDOW)
cont = FALSE;
if (class == GADGETUP) {
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 1) /* - */
if (line > 0) {
refresh = TRUE;
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 2) { /* slider */
refresh = TRUE;
pos = W_PropSInfo.VertPot;
line = propline(pos, wproplastline);
if ((line + 1) > wproplastline)
line = wproplastline - 1;
if (whichgad->GadgetID == 3) /* + */
if ((line + 1) < wproplastline) {
refresh = TRUE;
if (class == MENUPICK) {
if (code != MENUNULL) {
whichmenu = MENUNUM(code);
whichitem = ITEMNUM(code);
switch (whichmenu) {
case 0 : switch (whichitem) {
case 0: Request(&requester2, window); /* about */
case 1: cont = FALSE; /* quit */
case 1 : refresh = TRUE;
switch (whichitem) {
case 0: readfonts(); /* read FONTS: */
brandnewfont = TRUE;
case 1: selectfont();
brandnewfont = TRUE;
break; /* font selection */